Andrei Booriakin and the crew from The Britney Henry Project filmed Britney Henry at the ARCO Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista, California, on a Canon 5 D Mark II and 2 Canon 7D Digital Single Lens Reflex Cameras.
It was early in the morning, we set up the 3 cameras and waited for Britney to walk into the throwing circle. She threw the hammer 50 times that day. The crew filmed every one of them.
In order to get the best shots possible, we asked Britney to throw from circles unprotected by safety nets. We got in as close as possible with our cameras, having no idea what to expect. An 8.8 pound steel ball powered past our lenses, inches away. That got our attention. Danger, Will Robinson!
Back in the studio, Graham and I remixed American Woman by Lenny Kravitz into a 30 second sound bite with Sound Track Pro. The teaser was edited in Final Cut Pro. This was a shakedown test of my new setup.
After shooting the hammer throw for the first time, we have ideas for more setups to try the next time we shoot with Britney.
The Britney Henry Project is busy creating media and promotion materials in support of Britney's effort to become an Olympian. The newest piece of the puzzle is a header for her blog Olympian in Progress. Photo/design: Graham Smith